I made my first website at 12.
Yes, it was in Flash. Yes, it was terrible.
With a background in both design and development, websites were a natural interest for me early on. Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity through consulting (under the name Skwintz) to work on a variety of different websites for brands and businesses ranging from Fortune 500 companies to mom and pop shops. Regardless of the project, using my skillsets to solve problems in a digital way is my passion.
With a background in both design and development, websites were a natural interest for me early on. Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity through consulting (under the name Skwintz) to work on a variety of different websites for brands and business ranging from fortune 500 companies to mom and pop shops. Regardless of the project, using my skillsets to solve problems in a digital way is my passion.
My skill set and technology experience
Things I know well and things I have experience with.
Day-to-day comfort
- Javascript - JQuery
- PHP - WordPress
- Version Control - Github, Bitbucket
- Adobe Suite
- Wireframing
- Responsive Layout and Design
- Cross-Browser Compatibility
- Accessibility
- Mobile First Development
- Kanban boards - Trello, Jira
- Project management software - Trello, Jira, Paymo, Teamweek
- Prototyping Software - Invision
Experience with
- Agile Methodology
- Boostrap
- Gulp.js
- Asana
- Basecamp
- Sketch
- Ahrefs
- HubSpot
- Google Analytics / Search Console
Currently Learning
- React - Reactwithme
- Marketing with Ahrefs
- Figma